Sherleek and the Missing Bronze Horse (Innbundet)

Series: Purriot 2


Bjørn F. Rørvik

Norwegian title: Purriot og den forsvunne bronsehesten
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2013
Pages: 112
Illustrator: Aalbu, Ragnar
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Purriot og den forsvunne bronsehesten
Series: Purriot
Serienummer: 2
ISBN/EAN: 9788202387938
Age: 5 - 9
Overview Purriot og den forsvunne bronsehesten

Purriot og den forsvunne bronsehesten is the second book in the highly successful series, and tells the story of the well-known detective, Sherleek, and a new mystery waiting to be solved. Sherleek's wife, Paprika, is set to play the Queen in a historical play in Hurlum. However, during rehearsals a valuable bronze antique horse disappears, and Sherleek is called to investigate the case. It's a complicated affair, made no easier by the fact that Chief Superintendant Cumber is set to play the part of the King in the theatre piece.

Our new hero, Sherleek, is a brilliant cross between a famous Belgian detective and a leek – an unbeatable combination. Bjørn Rørvik's text does a fine job of bringing out the detective's personality, and the solution to the mystery is as comical as it is credible.

The book is illustrated throughout by Ragnar Aalbu, who has created a charming cast of characters.

Quality Crime for Kids
"This character is at least as credible as all the sharp-witted, extremely odd and somewhat socially awkward literary characters in adult crime fiction. His is described with humour and warmth, and the plot is easy to follow. A good sequel and a good choice of book."
Magasinet Mamma

"Rørvik takes parody and play another step ahead in his story about the master detective Sheerleek. (...) Could it be that the book is meant to appeal to parents who feel like finding something exciting and quite funny to read aloud? Despite the grown-up references to crimes, the humour is so childish it suits young readers ."

"Bjørn Rørvik’s writing brings out the personality of the detective in such a nice way and the solution to the mystery is both amusing and believable. The illustrations by Ragnar Aalbu run right through the book and he has created a wonderful set of characters consisting mainly of vegetables."

"This book is larger than the first book about Sherleek. It allows the author to treat both characters and plot more thoroughly. A more modern publication."

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Reviews Purriot og den forsvunne bronsehesten

Kvalitetskrim for kidsa

"Figuren er minst like troverdig som de gløgge, utrolig sære og litt sosialt klønete litterære figurene i krimbøker for voksne. han skildres med humor og varme og historien er lett å følge. God oppfølger og et bra bokvalg. Du må ikke ha lest eneren for å kose deg med denne."

Elin Solvang, Magasinet Mamma

"Rørvik drar leken og parodien enda et hakk videre i sin fortelling om mesterdetektiven Purriot. Detektiven ser ut som en purre og har noen fellestrekk med sin navnebror Poirot. (...) Boka skal kanskje appellere til foreldre som har planer om å lage en spennende og litt tullete lesestund? Selv om krimreferansene er voksne, så er humoren også barnslig nok for en ung leser."

Knut-Anders Løken, Barnebokkritikk

Moden Purriot

"Denne boken er mer omfangsrik enn debuten. Det betyr at både personer og handling kan utdypes bedre. En mer moden utgave."

Helge Ottesen, Varden

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Author Bjørn F. Rørvik

Ragnar Aalbu (1966–) is a popular picture book illustrator. He received the Ministry of Culture's Debutant Prize in 2004. He has also given separate exhibitions.

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