The Snapdragon Family (Innbundet)


Lars Saabye Christensen

Norwegian title: Maskeblomstfamilien
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2003
Pages: 285
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202231880
Overview Maskeblomstfamilien

´I had a good upbringing. Father died when I was twelve. Mum went to bed early. I was an only child.´

With these words Lars Saabye Christensen opens his novel, a chamber play set in the broad avenues behind the Royal Palace in mid-1960s Oslo. The narrator describes his upbringing from age 12 to 17, in a home thick with secrets, pretence, silence and sins of omissions.

The father, a patent engineer, takes his own life on page one. The mother subsequently goes to bed for good, leaving the young narrator to grow up in the care of his bony aunt, whose outlook can darken even the brightest day. And in one scene, during a summer holiday, one of the father's investors who is visiting, manages to tell him: 'You are indeed your father's strangest patent.'

Saabye Christensen's novel is about identity and shame. It is beautifully written, dark, and different.
"Ghastly good. This is something as rare as a book that really moves you, a book that stands out as something truly unique, just like the protagonist also does."

"...a ruthless highlight in the authorship of Lars Saabye Christensen"
"He is poetic as ever, but reveal a dark dimension that lures us with depths and riddles. We want more of this!"

"The Snapdragon Family conveys something timeless. It is a great novel, which deserves many readers. Applause to Saabye Christensen!"

"After so much has been said, I would like to reiterate that Saabye Christensen, with The Snapdragon Family, has written his best novel in my opinion."

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Reviews Maskeblomstfamilien

"Uhyggelig bra."

Morten Abrahamsen, VG

"... et nådeløst høydepunkt i Lars Saabye Christensens forfatterskap."

Torunn Borge, Dagsavisen

"Han er poetisk som alltid, men avslører her en mørk dimensjon som lokker med dybder og gåter. Dette vil vi ha mer av!"

Inger Bentzrud, Dagbladet

"Maskeblomstfamilien formidler noe tidløst. Den er en stor roman, som fortjener mange lesere. Applaus til Saabye Christensen!"

Maria Gran Hansen, Tønsbergs Blad

"Når så mye er sagt, vil jeg få lov til å gjenta at Saabye Christensen med «Maskeblomstfamilien» har skrevet sin etter min mening beste roman."

Terje Holtet Larsen, Bergens Tidende

"Maskeblomstfamilien har mye driv, særlig siden leseren blir revet med i en frenetisk jakt etter svarene på de mange gåtene. Spennings- og underholdningsfaktoren er stor, selv om den mørke stemningen i boka kanskje vil legge en demper på opplevelsen for noen."

Rannveig Vindingstad, Under Dusken

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Author Lars Saabye Christensen

Lars Saabye Christensen (b. 1953) is one of Norway’s most beloved and prolific authors. Despite being best known for his long novels, Saabye is also a poet. His debut book was the poetry collection History of Gly (1976), for which he was awarded the Tarjei Vesaas prize. His first novel, The Amateur, was published in 1977 and Saabye Christensen often says all his novels could’ve had this title. Humans who struggle with inner insecurities and lack of a directory of their own lives, who are not professionally well-prepared in all of life’s situations, but instead make wrong choices and appear clumsy – these are the people he has an ever-recurring love for in his books.

His big breakthrough novel was Beatles (1984), which is one of the biggest selling literary titles in Norway ever and which new generations of youth keep falling in love with. In 2001 his epic major work The Half Brother was published, an extraordinarily generous and moving novel, which follows a family over a period of many years and through all stages of life. The Half Brother became an international success and won the Nordic Council Literature Prize. Between 2017 and 2021 the series Echoes of the City was published, which was met with exceptional criticism and reached a large readership. Saabye Christensen has written over 70 titles, won numerous prizes and awards, and has been translated into 36 languages.

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Foreign rights

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