Just a Mother (Innbundet)

Series: Barrøy-serien 4


Roy Jacobsen

Norwegian title: Bare en mor
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2020
Pages: 272
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Series: Barrøy-serien
Serienummer: 4
ISBN/EAN: 9788202688929
Overview Bare en mor

After a long journey through Norway, Ingrid has finally returned to Barrøy. Life has become more stable, but the war still casts its long shadows across the country. Former collaborators face cold shoulders or obscured retaliation. Others simply wish to leave the painful years in the past.

One day a boy arrives on the island. Shortly thereafter, his father disappears. Ingrid assumes responsibility for the boy, and adopts him. As such, Mathias becomes a central part of the Barrøy community, together with Kaja, Ingrid’s daughter by birth.

Life on the island is demanding, but the letters from friends in Oslo and Trondheim tell of a Norwegian society undergoing dramatic changes. Which stories should Ingrid keep to herself, and which ones should she bring to light? What kind of future is she imagining?

Just a Mother is the fourth book in a series of novels that have delighted readers in Norway and abroad. It’s a novel about being a parent, being a part of a community, and about living under conditions that require hard labour. It is also a story about parts of our near past that have stayed in the dark. And it’s about an unusual woman, who has to navigate painful experiences in a rough, weather-beaten, and diverse society on the coast of Northern Norway.
I demand that this book be read […] Roy Jacobsen writes truthfully, tenderly and sharply about the everyday heroes of toil and care.
The middle-aged woman and the sea […] sparkling depiction of coastal life […]
Roy Jacobsen has added a new chapter to his masterpiece. […]
It is a pure pleasure to read Roy Jacobsen’s novel Just a Mother. […] Just a Mother is a novel that keeps the reader captivated from the first to the last sentence.
Roy Jacobsen has written a beautiful and intense novel. […] poetic, virtuoso, warm and beautiful. […] No one describes the coastal and cultural history of the Helgeland coast as Roy Jacobsen.
Roy Jacobsen raises the bar in the last volume […] Jacobsen stands out with a luminous mother portrait […] the best Roy Jacobsen has written about life on the Helgeland coast […]
The past as a mirror for the present […] Roy Jacobsen’s stories about the islanders on the Helgeland coast gradually resemble a magnificent saga about the basic human conditions in the struggle with nature. […] Roy Jacobsen’s own words that “a historical novel should be a contemporary novel” feel true. The author is a master of dialogues where secrets and trivialities form minefields and tensions.

With emotion, the reader follows the fate of these modest people. What separates us, and what unites us? For Roy Jacobsen, this is the essential question of this novel. A vast and passionate subject!

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Reviews Bare en mor

Jeg forlanger at denne boka blir lest 20.10.2020

«Roy Jacobsen skriver sant, ømt og krast om slitets og omsorgens hverdagshelter.»

Steinar Sivertsen, Stavanger Aftenblad

Bare en fantastisk bok - rett og slett 01.10.2020

«Roy Jacobsen har føyd et nytt kapittel til mesterverket sitt.»
«I et fortettet, poetisk og vakkert språk tegner han et stort persongalleri med kjærlighet og klokskap.»

Jan Ø. Helgesen, Nettavisen

For en tilbakekomst! 30.09.2020

«Det er en vakker og intens roman Roy Jacobsen har skrevet.»

«Ingen skildrer Helgelandskystens kyst- og kulturhistorie som Roy Jacobsen.»

«(...) poetisk, virtuost, varmt og vakkert.»

Guri Hjeltnes, VG

Vart, vakkert og illevarslende 30.09.2020

«Roy Jacobsen griper tak i leseren fra første stund i sin nye roman om livet på Barrøy.»

«Det er en ren nytelse å lese Roy Jacobsens roman «Bare en mor».»

««Bare en mor» er en roman som holder leseren fanget fra første til siste setning.»

Marius Wulfsberg, Dagbladet

« En sterk og intim historie om en nordnorsk storfamilie som setter avtrykk i vår kulturhistorie.»

Jon Terje Grønli, Gjengangeren

Roy Jacobsen hever nivået i siste bind 01.10.2020

«Roy Jacobsen skiller seg ut med et lysende morsportrett (...)»

« (...) det beste Roy Jacobsen har skrevet om livet på Helgelandskysten (...)»

Ingunn Økland, Aftenposten

Fortiden som speil for nåtiden 30.09.2020

«Roy Jacobsens fortellinger om øyfolket på Helgelandskysten ligner etterhvert en storslått saga om menneskets grunnvilkår i kamp med naturen.»

«(...) knapp og stram skrivekunst av velkjent Roy Jacobsen kvalitet.»

«Roy Jacobsens egne ord om at «en historisk roman skal være en samtidsroman» føles sann. Forfatteren er en mester i dialoger der hemmeligheter og trivialiteter danner minefelt og spenninger.»

Turid Larsen, Dagsavisen

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Author Roy Jacobsen

Roy Jacobsen (b. 1954) is regarded as one of the most influential contemporary authors in Norway, and has since his sensational debut in 1982, with the short story collection Prison Life, which won him the prestigious Tarjei Vesaas’ Debutant Prize, developed into an original and daring author with a special interest in the underlying psychological interplay in human relationships. He has been nominated three times for the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award, and twice for the Nordic Council Literature Prize. In 2017 he was shortlisted for both the Man Booker International Prize, as the first Norwegian author ever, and the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award, for The Unseen.

In 2013 Jacobsen’s authorship reached a new milestone with the publication of The Unseen, book one in his now completed Barrøy trilogy. It is set in the first half of the 20th century on an island on the North-Western coast of Norway, and is a monument over human courage and life-saving practical and social knowledge. White Shadow followed in 2015, The Eyes of Rigel in 2017 and Just a Mother in 2020. The Barrøy quartet became an immediate critically acclaimed sales success, it has been translated into 28 languages, and has sold nearly 500.000 copies in Norway alone. In total, Jacobsen has been translated into 38 languages

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