The Unworthy (Innbundet)


Roy Jacobsen

Norwegian title: De uverdige
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2022
Pages: 288
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202774325
Kategori: Literature and Fiction
Overview De uverdige

In Roy Jacobsen’s latest novel, The Unworthy, we follow a gang of boys and girls from an apartment building on the east side of Oslo during the WWII German occupation. They live in poverty, but they manage by creatively swindling, stealing like magpies, falsifying documents and committing extensive burglaries. They don’t shy away from exploiting the Enemy, either. With this pack of children, a lauded writer has rendered a brutally frank and warm portrait of a time, a place and an everyday life that thus far has been absent from the stories told of WWII. This is a Roy Jacobsen novel of best mark.

The Unworthy is wise, brutal and entertaining. A gem of a story, written by an author in his right element.

A worthy and powerful reading experience
Dramatic, interesting and exciting ... a fantastic picture of an environment and a time that not everyone knows today.
Nettavisen, six/six stars
New first-rate novel by Jacobsen
… once more Jacobsen wields the language in a nuanced, confident manner.
Stavanger Aftenblad, six/six stars

About ignorance
The Unworthy has to be one of Roy Jacobsen's best novels.

Brutal war novel
from Roy Jacobsen
Roy Jacobsen is, as always, a master of details, environment and working methods.
VG, five/six stars

Good news from the Eastern front
... the narrative offers surprising, humerous and cheeky touches that show Roy Jacobsen at his best.

Exciting like a thriller
The characters are credibly drawn, the milieu renderings almost filmatic.
Dagbladet, five/six stars

[Roy Jacobsen] has done it again. Created an environment and characters that will be remembered.
Bok365, five/six stars
In full vigour
Roy Jacobsen impresses again, both as astoryteller and a portrayer of people … an organic and unpredictable literary universe, as asymmetric and restless as life itself.

The novel is incredibly well written and composed.
Jyllands-Posten, Denmark

Powerful historic realism.
Weekendavisen, Denmark

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More books by Roy Jacobsen:

Reviews De uverdige

Ny topproman fra Jacobsen 25.10.2022

« ... igjen turnerer Jacobsen språket på nyansert, stilsikkert vis»

«... dette er utvilsomt en ny topproman signert Roy Jacobsen.»

Steinar Sivertsen, Stavanger Aftenblad

En verdig og sterk leseopplevelse 06.10.2022

«Roy Jacobsen har skrevet nok en fantastisk roman»

«... et fantastisk bilde av et miljø og en tid som ikke alle kjenner i dag»

«... dramatisk, interessant og spennende»

« Dette er en knallsterk historie som er blitt en veldig god bok»

Jan Øyvind Helgesen, Nettavisen

Spennende som en thriller 09.10.2022

«Roy Jacobsen er en knakende god forteller»

«Intrigen i «De uverdige» er spennende som i en thriller.»

«Karaktertegningene er troverdige og miljøskildringene nesten filmatiske.»

«... så levende og medrivende fortalt at boka også vil egne seg for et ungt publikum»

Inger Bentzrud, Dagbladet

De likeglade 06.10.2022

«Med De uverdige har han gjort det igjen. Skapt et miljø og noen typer som vil bli husket»

Atle Nielsen, BOK365

Brutal krigsroman fra Roy Jacobsen 06.10.2022

«En liten stor roman igjen, fra Roy Jacobsens hånd»

«Jacobsen skriver med innlevelse og intensitet»

«Roy Jacobsen er som alltid en mester på detaljer, miljø og arbeidsmetoder»

«... en velskrevet gjennomarbeidet roman, med humor, skrått blikk og varme personskildringer»

«Jacobsen kan faget»

Guri Hjeltnes, VG

Om uvitenhet 08.10.2022

«De uverdige må være en av Roy Jacobsens beste romaner»

«Fortellingen har et sterkt driv»

«... elegant utførte skildringer»

Tom Egil Hverven, Klassekampen

I full vigør 06.10.2022

«Roy Jacobsen imponerer igjen, både som historieforteller og menneskeskildrer»

Leif Bull, Dagens Næringsliv

Mye nytt fra østfronten 06.10.2022

«... fortellingen byr på overraskende, humoristiske og frekke innslag som viser Roy Jacobsen på sitt beste»

Turid Larsen, Dagsavisen

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Author Roy Jacobsen

Roy Jacobsen (b. 1954) is regarded as one of the most influential contemporary authors in Norway, and has since his sensational debut in 1982, with the short story collection Prison Life, which won him the prestigious Tarjei Vesaas’ Debutant Prize, developed into an original and daring author with a special interest in the underlying psychological interplay in human relationships. He has been nominated three times for the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award, and twice for the Nordic Council Literature Prize. In 2017 he was shortlisted for both the Man Booker International Prize, as the first Norwegian author ever, and the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award, for The Unseen.

In 2013 Jacobsen’s authorship reached a new milestone with the publication of The Unseen, book one in his now completed Barrøy trilogy. It is set in the first half of the 20th century on an island on the North-Western coast of Norway, and is a monument over human courage and life-saving practical and social knowledge. White Shadow followed in 2015, The Eyes of Rigel in 2017 and Just a Mother in 2020. The Barrøy quartet became an immediate critically acclaimed sales success, it has been translated into 28 languages, and has sold nearly 500.000 copies in Norway alone. In total, Jacobsen has been translated into 38 languages

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Foreign rights
Czech Republic
United Kingdom

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