Vestersand (Innbundet)

Ruijan rannalla – Sanger fra ishavet

Series: Ruijan rannalla - Sanger fra ishavet 2


Ingeborg Arvola

Norwegian title: Vestersand
Norwegian subtitle: Ruijan rannalla – Sanger fra ishavet
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2024
Pages: 528
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Series: Ruijan rannalla - Sanger fra ishavet
Serienummer: 2
ISBN/EAN: 9788202778910
Overview Vestersand

What use is shame when he’s in it with me?

The year is 1862. Brita Caisa is released from prison in Pykeijä. Heavily pregnant, she trudges through the driving snow, unsure of where to go. Her boyfriend, Mikko, is still serving time for their scandalous cohabitation. He still doesn’t know that Brita Caisa is carrying their child. She dreams of a tømmerpirtti, a log cabin, where she, Mikko and their children can live as a family, but there will be many obstacles on the road to making this home a reality.

Vestersand, the second book in the series Ruijan Rannalla – Songs from the Arctic Ocean, takes us to Neiden and Pykeijä, to whaling and log-cabin building, to snow and saunas, to fatal jealousy and deep love. It is an epic and dramatic tale from a unique environment that is rarely described in other literature – the surprisingly diverse Northern Norway of the nineteenth century, where Sámi, Kvens and Norwegians lived side by side with their languages and customs.


A lush place between [García] Márquez and Sandemo
«Many had a great reading experience with the first book, and they won’t be disappointed with this one. […] wonderful descriptions of nature, the labour and the community of the every day, descriptions which elevate the story, make it bigger than itself.»
Adresseavisen, five/six stars

«Vestersand will thrill both old and new readers.»
Stavanger Aftenblad, five/six stars

«… captivating from the first page. […] the language is so visual that I’m left with images in my head, as if I’ve seen a documentary.»
Vårt Land

Piping hot by the Arctic Ocean
«Arvola exercises her literary abilities in subtle, beautiful descriptions of the strenuous working life, of the everyday life, peppered with fierce bursts of passion. […] There is a lot of cultural history to enjoy here.»

«Thumbs up to an author who describes people in our near past who deserves literature’s spotlight.»

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More books by Ingeborg Arvola:

Reviews Vestersand

Forbudt kjærlighet 17.09.2024

«Vestersand vil nok glede både gamle og nye lesere.»

Sigmund Jensen, Stavanger Aftenblad

En frodig sted mellom Márquez og Sandemo 20.08.2024

«Mange hadde store leseropplevelser med forgjengeren, de blir neppe skuffet over denne.»

«... flotte skildringer av naturen, arbeidet og fellesskapet i dagliglivet, skildringer som løfter fortellingen, gjør den større enn seg

«... spenningen holder seg uansett, så vi allerede gleder oss til bind tre.»

Ole Jacob Hoel, Adresseavisen

Bokomtale 27.01.2025

«Boka er godt skrevet. En virkelighetsnær og god bok som jeg anbefaler folk å lese.»

Arne Hauge, Ruijan Kaiku

Ingeborg Arvolas bok "Vestersand": Har gitt meg mye 17.11.2024

«Boka er godt skrevet.»

«Det er en virkelighetsnær og god bok»

Alf Salangi, Sør-Varanger Avis

Mellom tro og overtro 23.08.2024

«Spenningsfylt og tettpakket»

«... fengsler fra første side»

«... språket er så visuelt at jeg sitter igjen med bilder som om jeg har sett en dokumentarfilm.»

Sigrid Elise Strømmen, Vårt Land

Dampende hett ved ishavet 22.08.2024

«Arvola utøver sine litterære evner i lavmælte, fine skildringer av strevsomt arbeidsliv, og hverdagsliv, spritet opp med voldsomme blaff av lidenskap»

«Det er mye kulturhistorie å glede seg over»

«... prises for sin underholdningsverdi»

«Avslutningen skal ikke røpes her, men den inneholder spenning nok til at forventningen kan holdes ved like til den avsluttende delen av trilogien er i boks.»

Turid Larsen, Dagsavisen

«Jeg løfter tommelen for en forfatter som beskriver mennesker i vår nære fortid som fortjener litteraturens rampelys.»

Anne Cathrine Straume, NRK

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Author Ingeborg Arvola
Ingeborg Arvola (b. 1974) grew up in Pasvikdalen and Tromsø in the far north of Norway. She made her debut with the novel Korellhuset, published in 1999. She has since written a number of novels for children and adults. She has received the Cappelen Prize in 2004 and Havmannprisen in 2008. In 2019 she was awarded The Ministry of Culture Prize for Children´s Books for her novel Buffy By is Talented, a book she was also nominated to the Brage Prize for.

In 2022 The Knife in the Fire, the first book in her trilogy Songs from the Arctic Ocean, was published to great acclaim. It was awarded Best Fiction at the Brage Prize 2022, and was nominated to a number of Norway’s other most prestigious literary awards, such as the Critics Award and the Bookseller Award. It is also nominated to the Nordic Council Literature Prize 2023.

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