The Special Class (Innbundet)


Flu Hartberg

Norwegian title: Spesialklassen
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2020
Pages: 192
Illustrator: Hartberg, Flu
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202615314
Age: 9 - 12
Overview Spesialklassen

Steven is the most popular boy in the school, and his father is the boss of the popular iBrain company. Steven has everything – even the latest version of iBrain, which lets you stay hooked up to the internet night and day without a mobile phone or PC. It’s all connected directly to your brain. One day Steven starts to behave in an uncontrollably silly way, writing obscene words on the blackboard, dancing bare-bottomed at the youth club and going into the teachers’ changing room. What’s happening to him?

Against his will, Steven is moved into the famous Special Class – a small class for pupils who are different from all the others in some way or another. Steven – and all his friends – look down on the Special Class. How will he survive this?

It turns out that the supernerds in the Special Class can help Steven with his mysterious and inexplicable problem. Computer specialist Ella finds out that somebody has hacked into iBrain, infected it with a virus and taken control of Steven’s brain. Who is the baddie and what is their motive? And how can the supernerds get into Steven’s brain to unmask the hacker?

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Reviews Spesialklassen

Klassekamp og rumpehumor 18.03.2020

Historien er blottet for dødtid. Hver eneste rute eller situasjon fyller en bestemt funksjon, noe som gir historien svært godt driv. Dessuten viser hovedpersonen viser seg å ha mange lag, noe som gjør at man fort blir glad i ham. Det er helt essensielt i denne typen bøker. (...)
Spesialklassen er morsom og tankevekkende science fiction som stiller de rette spørsmålene. Den sparker hardt oppover, men går heller ikke av veien for litt god, gammeldags rumpehumor. Akkurat slik gode ungdomstegneserier skal gjøre.

Petter Lønningen,

Hjerne i fare 10.03.2020

«Med «Spesialklassen» har Flu Hartberg funnet en plassøkonomisk metode for å fortelle en lenger historie i tegneserieformat. Dette gir gode resultater (…) «Spesialklassen» er solid historiefortelling med gode løsninger for tegneseriemediet som virkemiddel. Like mye får Hartberg fram sine sterke sider som prosaforfatter med en humor, intrige og fortellestemme som er velegnet til å holde på den tiltenkte målgruppas oppmerksomhet.

Trond Sætre,

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Author Flu Hartberg

Flu Hartberg (1979–) has a background in art, having studied in both Norway and England. His comic series have been published in stand-alone form and in various magazines. He also works as an illustrator, and has produced work for several children's books.

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