In the garden outside Tom’s window is a lamppost. Every evening the light switches on, and every morning it turns off again. It’s been the same for as long as Tom can remember. ’Goodnight, light,’ Tom calls out the window before he goes to bed each night. ’Goodnight,’ the light replies.
One evening the garden is completely dark. The lamppost stands there, dark and sad and not uttering a word. Where did the light go? Tom gets dressed and goes outside. Even though it’s dark, he’s not afraid because he knows that the light can’t be far away.
‘I think that this is a beautiful little story from Gaute Heivoll, and Marvin Halleraker’s illustrations are perfect for the text. The illustrations are characterised by stark contracts between light and dark, or light and shadow. [...] This is a book that I look forward to reading to my grandchildren.’
‘The illustrations are cartoony and very dark in colour, but have a clear and pure expression. The text is gathered in tidy blocks, and in some places located in the light of the streetlamp around which this story revolves. This contributes to the overall aesthetic impression. [...] What is important is that there is scope for curiosity and reflection on this meeting, and that the illustrations contribute to this as well as the text itself.’
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