The Inner Battle of Talent (Innbundet)

How to Develop a Feeling of Mastery in Young Athletes


Anja Hammerseng-Edin

Norwegian title: Talentets indre kamp
Norwegian subtitle: Mental styrke hos unge utøvere
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2017
Pages: 176
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202542795
Kategori: Self Help
Overview Talentets indre kamp

Anja Hammerseng-Edin was a great handball talent herself, and has met thousands of young athletes who want to be great. Some of them do so, others don't.

What are the most important factors necessary to become truly great? And how can we develop mental strength in athletes, so that they are able to persevere when things get tough?
This book helps involved parents, trainers and support networks support young athletes as effectively as possible.

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