The Hero Factory (Innbundet)

Series: Heltefabrikken 1


Pia Sabel Gulling

Norwegian title: Heltefabrikken
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2023
Pages: 208
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Series: Heltefabrikken
Serienummer: 1
ISBN/EAN: 9788202689797
Age: 9 - 12
Overview Heltefabrikken

Robin’s dad dies in a fire, and Robin blames himself for what happened. Could he have saved his father? Robin was also injured in the fire and needs to work hard to get back on his feet. One day someone delivers a box of his dad’s belongings to their door, but who is it? What does it mean that the address is written in his dad’s handwriting, on the same date he died? And isn’t it a little strange that neither the police nor the fire department ever found his dad’s remains?

Robin discovers that his dad had many secrets, one of which was a hero factory hidden away in a decommissioned factory building. To find out more about his dad’s past Robin joins the hero programme. What’s actually going on? How did his dad live a double life without Robin or his mum knowing about it? Who can Robin trust?

The Hero Factory is an exciting, mysterious, and action-packed story for readers aged 9-12. The book is the first in a planned series and is ideal for fans of the Artemis Fowl series, as well as the William Wenton books by Robbie Peers.

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Reviews Heltefabrikken

Kor e alle heltar hen? 30.09.2023

«Heltefabrikken» er likevel ei sympatisk forteljing. Ho skildrar godt dei vennskapa som oppstår mellom barna, og når plottet strammar seg til, blir det god action. Boka seier noko om styrken som bur i heilt vanlege folk, og kva ein kan oppnå ved hjelp av vilje og samarbeid. I desse tider kan nok dét vere fint for unge menneske å ta med seg.

Ane Barmen, Bokmagasinet, Klassekampen

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Author Pia Sabel Gulling

Pia Sabel Gulling (born 1987) has a master’s degree in media and communication and works as a copywriter. Her author debut was in 2023 with The Hero Factory, for which she was nominated to the Ministry of Culture's Debut Prize.

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