Weight Training for Girls (Heftet)

Get the body you want!


Martin Norum

Norwegian title: Styrketrening for jenter
Norwegian subtitle: Få den kroppen du ønsker deg!
Binding: Heftet
Year: 2014
Pages: 184
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202427955
Kategori: Self Help
Overview Styrketrening for jenter

This is the long-awaited follow-up to the bestseller Bygg muskler!

This time, the authors focus their attention specifically on girls. Weight training is an effective way of changing the appearance of your body, and this type of training also increases well-being, self-confidence and physical strength.

This is the book for any girl who wants a stronger, healthier and slimmer body. It contains everything you need to know about effective and correct weight training, the right diet and burning fat so that your newly-trained muscles can be seen.

Here you will gain the knowledge required to achieve Your goals as well as a comprehensive training guide with step-bystep illustrations of all the exercises described in the book. It also

contains QR codes for downloading training programmes and other content to your own webpage.

You can finally get the body you want!

New book to make you strong

‘Don’t be put off by all the pink, we give this book a 6.’


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