Nails in Mourning (Innbundet)

Series:  469


Morten Langeland

Norwegian title: Sørgerender
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2021
Pages: 123
Publisher: Flamme Forlag
Språk: Bokmål
Serienummer: 469
ISBN/EAN: 9788282884686
Kategori: Literature and Fiction
Overview Sørgerender

After what was supposed to be a short get-together by the river before dusk, two good friends manage to bring home a freshly caught salmon by a funny coincidence. They have no other choice but to prepare the salmon on a whim and spontaneously invite a bunch of people over for dinner. The invitation is quite random and widely spread, on a first-come, first-served basis which will set the tone for the rest of the night.

Nails in Mourning is a novel in which a large and spawning mature salmon not only forms the economic basis for the story, but also in a way forms the value basis for the way the text develops.

To belong or to fall behind, to live or to exist, to be included or to be in a 'condition of secrecy'– thats's what this weird, demanding and yet deeply captivating novel is about.

The wordstream Nails in mourning is rich and satisfying. I reccomend grabbing a slice.

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Reviews Sørgerender

"Å høre til eller å falle utenfor, å leve eller å eksistere, å inngå eller være i «hemmelighetstilstanden» – det handler denne merkelige, tungleste og likevel dypt fengslende romanen om."

Emil Otto Syvertsen, Fædrelandsvennen

Et litterært festmåltid

"Boka har ikke et eneste avsnitt, og er skrevet med en fullstendig egenarta drive som omfavner samtalens meandersvinger og hvor formuleringsgleden er bærende. Det er en fest å lese! (...) Det store spørsmålet om livet og hvordan leve det, om fri vilje versus skjebnestyrende biologi, oppleves som en integrert del av bokas store virvar. Slik skjærer et eksistensielt spor gjennom romanens store, overfladiske festkake. Ordstrømmen Sørgerender serverer er rik og mettende. Jeg anbefaler å ta et stykke."

Ulla Svalheim, Vårt Land

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Author Morten Langeland

Morten Langeland (b. 1986) is one of the most exciting literary voices of his generation. He made his debut with the critically acclaimed poetry collection Æ æ å in 2012. In 2016 he was awarded the Stig Sæterbakken Memorial Award for promising young writers. Langeland also works as a literary critic in the Norwegian left wing newspaper Klassekampen's weekly literary supplement Bokmagasinet, and he is a part of the editorial staff at the independent publishing house H//O//F. The well-read and respected daily Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten called him «one of our most exciting poets» in 2020. The same year, he was awarded the Sult prize for exceptional young authorships.

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