Plastic waste in the sea (Innbundet)


Kirsti Blom og Geir Wing Gabrielsen

Norwegian title: Søppelplasten i havet
Author: og
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2016
Pages: 56
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Søppelplasten i havet
ISBN/EAN: 9788202523671
Age: 6 - 14
Overview Søppelplasten i havet

Paper and apple cores break up quickly in the sea, but plastic doesn't. We're producing more and more plastic every year. Researchers think that there are around 100 million tons of plastic floating around in the sea. In thirty years, there will be more plastic than fish in the sea if we carry on dumping at the same rate as we are now. What can we do?

Researchers are working to find ways to collect up all the millions of tons that are floating out at sea. And it's urgent!

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More books by Kirsti Blom og Geir Wing Gabrielsen:

Reviews Søppelplasten i havet

"Dette er en viktigbok for oss og kommende generasjoner. [...] Samarbeidet mellomforfatter Kirsti Blom og forsker Geir WingGabrielsen har resultert i en fl ott informativbok for barn og unge. Boken kan fi nt benyttesi skolen som supplement til lærebøker."

Drammensbiblioteket anbefaler, Byavisa Drammen

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Author Kirsti Blom

Kirsti Blom (b. 1953) is an author who has written a series of books, both for children and adults. In 2003 she published the children’s book Fjellreven (The Arctic Fox). English edition available.

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