Soil and Fertiliser (Innbundet)

Types of soil, soil improvement, composting, green fertiliser, organic and inorganic nutrition


Kenneth Ingebretsen og Tommy Tønsberg

Norwegian title: Jord og gjødsel
Norwegian subtitle: Jordtyper, jordforbedring, kompost, grønngjødsling, organisk og uorganisk næring
Author: og
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2025
Pages: 128
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202860721
Overview Jord og gjødsel

If you want to succeed with what you sow or plant, a strong knowledge about soil, improving soil and fertiliser is essential.

Soil can be anything from mud, sand, silt, humus, and peat, including combinations of these. Soil improvement may include addition of clay balls, perlite, vermiculite, rock flour, grit, and biochar. Soil and Fertiliser explains what these are, and how to create the perfect mix for each of your plants so they can thrive.

However, a primed soil needs more than just water to ensure growth and thriving plants. Seeds and plants also require fertiliser. Should you buy a ready-made one? Soil and Fertiliser guides you to choose the right fertiliser to replenish the soil with the right nutrients for your plants. If you prefer to make your own, sustainable fertiliser? The book guides you thorugh the easy steps using garden waste, leaves, dried flowers or food waste.

This book has easy guides, accompanied with beautiful photographs, which will help you to achieve happier and healthier plants.

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    Kenneth Ingebretsen og Tommy Tønsberg

Author Kenneth Ingebretsen

Tommy Tønsberg's (1980–) interest in gardening was already evident at an early age: as a schoolboy he often spent his entire allowance at the nursery. Today he tends a small but lush garden on the outskirts of Oslo, and is the editor of Norsk Hagetidend, the magazine for members of the Gardeners’ Association. He is also a popular guest speaker.

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