Operation Helena (Innbundet)


Johnny Brenna og Sigbjørn Mostue

Norwegian title: Operasjon Helena
Author: og
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2012
Pages: 304
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202365615
Kategori: Mystery and Crime
Overview Operasjon Helena

The killing of a police informer by torpedoes brings about the collapse of a prestigious heroin operation being run by Oslo police’s Special Operations Section (SO). The newly-appointed detective Axel Th.Munthe and his partner Tobben are left stranded. Shortly afterwards, fifteen-year-old Caroline Fredrikke Walters, daughter of a wealthy investor, is brutally kidnapped and raped. Instead of picking up the threads of the heroin case, the department’s resources are channelled into finding the girl before it is too late.

The case brings Axel into contact with the darkest sides of Norwegian society, where international crime syndicates are are already spreading their tentacles. It makes for a tough introduction to the world of human depravity, but there is light in the form of Noor, a woman Axel feels may be the right one for him.

‘Sigbjørn Mostue and Jonny Brenna have joined forces and written a disturbing thriller set in the criminal world in the capital.’
Oppland Arbeiderblad

‘Sigbjørn Mostue and Johnny Brenna impress with a well-constructed plot and a wealth of detail in their first work of crime fiction. (...) Dense, realistic tale of investigating crime in Oslo’s underworld.’

Operasjon Helena is fantastic. So well written and so exciting I almost stopped breathing!’
Liv Gade, Bokinspirator

‘Narcotics, organised crime, mutilation, honey traps; all feature in an ice-cold overview of the everyday reality of police work in Oslo that is the starting point for an action-driven and quite cynical narrative.’

‘A successful debut!’

‘The plot in Operasjon Helena and the account of the on-going police work are the most realistic seen in Norwegian crime fiction for a long time. And it feels good to be able to welcome a protagonist who doesn’t struggle with alcohol problems and who likes being a team player together with his police colleagues.’

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More books by Johnny Brenna og Sigbjørn Mostue:

Reviews Operasjon Helena

Fart og Spaning

"Sigbjørn Mostue og Johnny Brenna imponerer med solid plot og stor detaljrikdom i sin første krim.(...)Tett og realistisk om spaning i Oslos underverden."

Torbjørn Ekelund, Dagbladet

"Operasjon Helena er fantastisk. Så velskrevet og spennende at jeg nesten ikke får puste!!"

Liv Gade, Bokinspirator

"Narkotika, organisert kriminalitet, lemlestelse, honningfeller og et iskaldt virkelighetsbilde av oslopolitiets hverdager danner utgangspunkt for en action-drevet og ganske kynisk fortelling."

May Grethe Lerum, VG

"En vellykket debut!"

Kjell Moe, Kulturspeilet

"Sigbjørn Mostue og Jonny Brenna har slått seg sammen og skrevet en forrykende thriller fra hovedstadens kriminelle miljø."

Elise Weseth, Oppland Arbeiderblad

Nytt radarpar i norsk krim

"Hva skjer når en ungdomsforfatter og en spaner slår seg sammen? Svar: en forrykende triller av internasjonalt format. Her er action og spenning fra første til siste side! (...) En nådeløs og spennende bok fra Oslos underverden! (...) Avslutningen er forrykende, overraskende og meget spennende… Jeg jubler, og håper og tror vi har fått nye stjerner i norsk krim!"

Liv Gade, Sandefjords Blad

"Handlingen i «Operasjon Helena» og politiarbeidet som utføres er av det mest realistiske slaget i norsk krimlitteratur på lenge. Så føles det kjærkomment med en hovedperson som ikke sliter med rusproblemer og som liker å spille på lag med sine kolleger i politiet."

Per-Magne Midjo, Trønder-Avisa

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Author Johnny Brenna

Sigbjørn Mostue (b. 1969) has a degree in the History of Ideas and has worked as an editor. He is now a full time writer, having authored a number of bestselling books for young readers, including the trilogies The Elf Sign and The Last Magician. He also writes crime novels for adults. He has been both nominated for and won the UPRISEN award, won the ARK-Children's book prize, and been nominated for the Brage Prize and the Riverton Prize.

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