When Everything is Built of Paper
Sunniva M. Roligheten
Norwegian title: | Om du var et menneske |
Author: | Sunniva M. Roligheten og Daniel A. Wilondja |
Binding: | Innbundet |
Year: | 2024 |
Pages: | 224 |
Publisher: | Cappelen Damm |
Språk: | Bokmål |
ISBN/EAN: | 9788202799069 |
a sorrow and a worry,
a wave on Facebook
and a question as to whether it was perhaps more painful than good to know you.
She is a student working on a project on the conditions in Congolese mines. He works in just such a mine. One summer, he comes to Norway in connection with the project. They become friends without speaking the same language, through an interpreter.
He returns home, telling her through Google Translate about sleeping in the mine, about people dying in the mine, about his strong desire to be educated. She has a good idea: if they write a book together, he’ll get money for an education, and she’ll help him get a place on a programme of study in Norway. It becomes much more difficult and painful than they could have anticipated.
This novel has a very unusual format, written by Sunniva M. Roligheten and Daniel Akilimali Wilondja, in Norwegian, French and Swahili, a lot of it with help from Google Translate. The book is political, poetic, funny and very sad.
Sunniva M. Roligheten
«Eit blikk som andre bøker ikkje kan tilby.»
«... ei sånn bok me treng fleire av.»
Magnus Rotevatn, Framtida.no«Sunniva M. Roligheten, Daniel A. Wilondja og Google Translate har saman skrive ein fascinerande tekstkollasj.»
«Til saman vert boka ein fargerik tekstkollasj om ukueleg pågangsmot og empati på den eine sida, og eit ugjennomtrengjeleg regelverk på den andre.»
Odd W. Surén, Dag og Tid«Om du var et menneske slår lesaren med veldig kraft.»
«Sunniva M. Roligheten, som debuterte med den originale romanen Når alt er av papir i 2021, held fram med å utvide samtidslitteraturen.»
Marta Norheim, Morgenbladet