Novel (Innbundet)

Series:  64


Audun Mortensen

Norwegian title: Roman
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2010
Pages: 336
Publisher: Flamme Forlag
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Roman
Serienummer: 64
ISBN/EAN: 9788202335984
Overview Roman

Q: Could you outline for me your new novel and its methodology?
A: My novel is titled «Novel» and it's a story about how a child and an adult try to figure out how to 'touch each other'. The novel is based on two distinct narratives. One of the narratives is included on TIME's 100 Best English-language Novels from 1923 to 2005, and ranked as number four on the Modern Library's 1998 list of the 100 Best Novels of the 20th century. The other is a tabloid news story, circulating 'globally' since the late 1970s. The text was arranged via customized computer software. 118 729 words, 326 pages.

(Audun Mortensen interviewed by SJ Fowler for 3:AM Magazine)

"This falls most original book? ... A literary experiment that underlines the brightness of Nabokovs writing. It actually works as a story of sorts. It is also playful, in many ways in the same league as the French Ou-Li-Po-poets (Raymond Queneau, Georges Perec and others) back in the 1960´s, that gave their poetics rules of their own."

"The little extra: Novel has everything an extraordinary novel needs, and then some. When you hear that the book is actually Nabokovs Lolita backwards, you might think that you have already read it. But Mortensens mash-up with Lolita and the persona of Roman Polanski is a strike of genius and needs to be read."

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Reviews Roman

«Bokhøstens mest originale? (…) Et litterært eksperiment som understreker lysstyrken i Nabokovs språk. For det funker faktisk som en slags fortelling. Lekent er det også, på mange måter i pakt med de franske såkalte Ou-Li-Po-dikterne (Raymond Queneau, Georges Perec m.fl.) fra 1960-tallet, som ga sin poetikk spesielle spilleregler.»

Fredrik Wandrup, Dagbladet

«Det lille ekstra: Roman har alt det en enestående roman trenger, pluss litt til. Når du får høre at boka rett og slett er Nabokovs Lolita baklengs, tenker du kanskje at du allerede har lest den, men Mortensens mash-up med Lolita og Roman Polanskis persona er en genistrek som definitivt må leses.»

Ellef Prestsæter, Klassekampen Bokmagasinet

«Det som framsto som en enkel roman har vist seg å være en vrien leseøvelse og en til tider ubehagelig vandring gjennom mine egne fordommer … Én ting er sikkert. Roman er mye, men ikke ‘uprovoserende’ og ‘grei’.»

Carline Tromp, Filologen

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Author Audun Mortensen

Audun Mortensen (1985-) is an author and artist. His debut Everyone tells me how good I am, in case I become it (Alle forteller meg hvor bra jeg er i tilfelle jeg blir det) was awarded "Best poem debut of the year" by Aftenposten in 2009. He has since published a number of poetry books, two novels and the critically acclaimed prose collection, Animals I have met (Dyr jeg har møtt).

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