Naturally Pain-free (Innbundet)

A Practical Guide to Treating Your Pain


Audun Myskja

Norwegian title: Naturlig smertefri
Norwegian subtitle: Hva du selv kan gjøre
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2023
Pages: 264
Illustrator: Svergja, Nikoline
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202728779
Kategori: Self Help
Overview Naturlig smertefri

Do you have a headache, back pain or aching in your legs? In Naturally Pain-free doctor and holistic therapist Audun Myskja shows how you can treat your pain yourself.

We may be in pain because of an acute injury, chronic inflammation, wear and tear, feelings that have been suppressed in the body, or traumas and shocks that have not been addressed. The brain may forget, but the body keeps score. In this book you’ll receive guidance to understand what pain actually is and what actually happens on the inside – anything from pain signals to the brain and tense breathing, to tight muscles and blockages in the body’s flow system.

For more than four decades Audun Myskja has developed and tested different methods of self-treatment of pain through simple and natural means. He’s given many patients their lives back through methods of pain treatment which is based on one’s own resources. In this book he shares his best relief and healing techniques, such as strength and stretching exercises, breathing techniques, pressure points, visualization, and sound. The book also contains unique stories about people who are now living new and pain-free lives, or whose pain is no longer controlling their day-to-day – including the author’s own experience of managing pain.

Pain can come with huge costs, mostly for the individual, but also for the society. Insight and effective tools help us understand and manage the pain – and can in many instances lead to a pain-free life.

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Reviews Naturlig smertefri

Grep for å bli fri fra både fysisk og psykisk smerte 14.12.2023

"Vi lærer hva smerte er, om å identifisere vår egen smerte og får en rekke forslag til hvordan vi kan håndtere og behandle våre smerter så vi (i samarbeid med lege) kan reparere oss selv."

Anne Lene Johnsen, Helsemagasinet desember 2023

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Author Audun Myskja

Dr Audun Myskja (b. 1953) is a specialist in general medicine, an author, a researcher and a departmental head at the Centre for Life Support in Ski. He has a doctorate based on his use of music therapy as an aid in care of the elderly. Myskja has been the leader of several projects aimed at improving the treatment of dementia, where the emphasis has been on the patient's individual worth and resources.

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