Iceland (Innbundet)

- A Travel Guide


Kirsti MacDonald Jareg

Norwegian title: Island
Norwegian subtitle: En reiseskildring
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2021
Pages: 336
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202688127
Overview Island

Volcanoes and glaciers, sandy deserts and geysers. In this cultural-historical tour around the coast of Iceland, readers encounter stories from the past and tales of modern-day Icelanders. The struggle against the aluminum industry’s river dams. The sudden arrival of mackerel in Icelandic waters. The story of the Iceland sweater’s symbolic power and the role it played during the financial crisis.
In this book we meet bards, researchers and bird catchers - and ask how it is possible to live on an island where the tectonic plates collide and puddles boil.
An exciting travelogue - communicated in a vivid way!
With Iceland - a travel guide the author conveys a considerable knowledge about the specific history of Icelandic settlement, the rich and fascinating saga literature, and not least the drama of the last decades. The Political, Social and the natural geographical drama that really separates Iceland from the rest of Northern Europe. All of this is conveyed by the author in a vivid and inspiring way.
Jareg has written an original and rewarding travelogue. It requires a little concentration to get into it - but in return it gives you exceptionally good insight into the very soul of Iceland.

Jareg is both playful and knowledgeable. You will not get a closer look at Iceland than what you get in this book - unless you travel there yourself.
Torbjørn Færøvik - Travel author

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More books by Kirsti MacDonald Jareg:

Reviews Island

En reiseskildring som begeistrer: – Formidlet på en levende måte! 28.05.2021

Med «Island – En reiseskildring» formidler hun betydelig kunnskap om Islands særegne bosettingshistorie, sagalitteraturens fascinerende og enestående rikdom og ikke minst de siste tiårenes til tider dramatiske historie – både den politiske, sosial og naturgeografiske dramatikken som virkelig skiller Island fra det meste i Nord- Europa. Alt dette formidler forfatteren på en levende og inspirerende måte.

Finn Stenstad, Tønsberg blad

«Selv om Jareg tar oss med på en fysisk reise Island rundt, er hovedfokus på fortellinger der mange av dem handler om fortiden. Men også mer moderne historier. Kirsti Macdonald Jareg har forfattet en annerledes og givende reiseskildring som det krever litt konsentrasjon å komme seg gjennom – til gjengjeld gir den et usedvanlig godt innblikk i Islands sjel.»

Torild Moland, Vagabond Reiselyst

Kirsti MacDonald Jareg syner sterk vilje til å forstå det islandske folket.

«eit strålande arbeid »

Bergsveinn Birgisson, Dag & Tid

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Author Kirsti MacDonald Jareg

Kirsti Jareg (b. 1966) spent her childhood-years in Norway, Scotland, Sweden and Botswana. She is a psychologist with degrees in social anthropology and nonfictional writing, and has worked in the field of migration and health for several years. She has written several nonfiction books about life and travel on the islands of the North Atlantic Ocean.

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