Norwegian title: | Hva ville Johannes gjort? |
Author: | Thomas Espevik |
Binding: | Innbundet |
Year: | 2017 |
Pages: | 136 |
Publisher: | Flamme Forlag |
Språk: | Bokmål |
Series: | Fº |
Serienummer: | 322 |
ISBN/EAN: | 9788282882323 |
Norwegian title: | Hva ville Johannes gjort? |
Author: | Thomas Espevik |
Binding: | Innbundet |
Year: | 2017 |
Pages: | 136 |
Publisher: | Flamme Forlag |
Språk: | Bokmål |
Series: | Fº |
Serienummer: | 322 |
ISBN/EAN: | 9788282882323 |
What Would John Do? is a little novel about a grown man, John, who is trying to understand his adult beliefs by thinking back to his childhood. We see a more or less random year in John's childhood, in which he is mostly at home, going to school or messing around with his friends and getting into trouble – and is afraid that he will burn in hell.
I grew up in a Christian family. I was baptized when I was a few months old. My grandmother and grandfather get worried if too much time passes before their grandchildren are baptized. When I was around 19, I considered getting baptized again, but I gave up on that idea. I've never spoken in tongues, even though I often prayed for that gift of grace as a teenager. I've stopped using terms as a gift of grace. I've never sought out strangers to pray for them, but I have placed my hands on, and prayed for, several of my friends. I have never seen a miracle.
A book to believe in.
Thomas Espevik narrates great existential questions in a language that insists that something is on stake. “I wonder if atheists is as scared for there being a God, as I am for him not being there”. Me, on my part, is more scared that Thomas Espeviks book should not exist. But it does. I exhale with relief.
Thomas Espevik explores the vector, the contradictions and comedy that might characterize a Christian upbringing. The novel succeeds in lifting up a great topic at astoundingly small space, and it does so with touch and lightness. The book is easily read; much because of the way it measures the doses of comedy, in effortless and concise language.
What would John do? Is a well written and thought provoking novel about a person’s relationship its own sense of reality. An engaging novel that leaves the reader wanting more.
Espeviks debut is a raw, but tender depiction of childhood, faith, doubt, love, friendship and repetitive prayers for forgiveness. The author draws a picture of a different upbringing, where God is at the centre of things. But still asking a lot of the same questions about life that most other children and young would ask them selves.
"Ei bok å tru på. Thomas Espevik skriv fram store, eksistensielle spørsmål i eit språk som insisterer på at her står noko på spel. (...) «Jeg lurer på om noen ateister er like redde for at Gud er der, som jeg er for at han ikke er der.» Eg for min del er mest redd for tanken på at boka til Thomas Espevik ikkje skulle finnast i verda. No gjer ho det, og eg pustar letta ut."
Ingvild Bræin, Dag og Tid"Thomas Espevik utforsker sprikene, motsetningene og komikken som kan prege en kristen oppdragelse (…) Romanen lykkes i å løfte fram stor tematikk på forbløffende lite plass, og gjør det med snert og letthet. (…) Boka er lettlest, mye på grunn av hvordan dosene med humor er målt opp, i et uanstrengt, konsist språk."
Live Lundh, Vårt Land"Hva ville Johannes gjort? er en velskrevet og tankevekkende roman om en persons forhold til sin egen virkelighetsoppfatning. (...) en engasjerende roman som lar leseren sitte igjen med en følelse av å ha lyst på mer."
Linda Therese Utstøl,"Espeviks litterære debut er en rå, men fin skildring av barndom, tro, tvil, kjærlighet, vennskap og gjentatte bønner om tilgivelse. Forfatteren tegner et bilde av en annerledes oppvekst, der gud står i sentrum, men som likevel stiller mange av de samme spørsmålene ved livet som de fleste andre barn og unge stiller seg."
Signe Rosenlund-Hauglid, Universitas