How do you make a baby? (Innbundet)

Series: Hvordan-serien 1


Anna Fiske

Norwegian title: Hvordan lager man en baby?
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2019
Pages: 80
Illustrator: Fiske, Anna
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Series: Hvordan-serien
Serienummer: 1
ISBN/EAN: 9788202616878
Kategori: Children's Books
Age: 4 - 10
Overview Hvordan lager man en baby?

In her latest non-fiction book for young readers, Anna Fiske deals with a question all children are curious about: How do you make a baby?

Using playful, brightly coloured illustrations, Anna Fiske answers the question in the book's title with perfect precision, providing parents and children with a
brilliant starting point for further discussion.
How do you make a baby? is informational, funny and warm, and is suitable for children aged 4 and up.
Shockingly direct!
It is so elegantly done, so nice and easy, warm and with humour as well as intelligence. This should win Anna Fiske even more awards.

Honest and amazing!
How do you make a Baby? gives a proper answer to the question asked by the title - without nonsense, but in a cheerful way. An undertone of wonder and thankfulness for life follow us all the way through. Anna Fiske has made a complete non-fiction about life that include us all.
VG ******
Anna Fiske does not go the long way around when she tells us how babies are made. She offers fun education for shy parents and curious children.
It is unusual to see this kind of uncensored illustrations in a book for children. But why not call things by their name? Fiske shows what happens during intercourse, and also tell us that not everyone can have children the natural way. IVF, insemination and adoption all get their explanation.

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Reviews Hvordan lager man en baby?

Sjokkerende direkte 23.03.2019

"Det er så elegant gjort, så stilig, lekende lett, varmt, humoristisk og intelligent. Denne må da gi Anna Fiske nok en pris."

Cathrine Krøger, Dagbladet

Ærlig og fantastisk! 17.03.2019

«Hvordan lager man en baby? gir et skikkelig svar på spørsmålet boken selv stiller – uten tullball, men på muntert vis. Undring og takknemlighet for livet ligger som en undertone hele tiden. Anna Fiske har laget en komplett faktabok om livet som inkluderer alle.»

Kristine Isaksen, VG

"Hvordan lager man en baby?" er ingen liten bragd av en bok 28.03.2019

«Det er ingen liten bragd å balansere biologi, humanisme og humor på denne måten, men Anna Fiske får det til å se enkelt ut.»

Aksel Kielland,

Legger ikke fingrene imellom 24.03.2019

«Anna Fiske tar ingen omveier når hun skal fortelle hvor barn kommer fra. Hun tilbyr morsom og lærerik hjelp til sjenerte foreldre og nysgjerrige barn.»

«Det er uvant å se så usensurerte illustrasjoner i en barnebok. Men hvorfor ikke kalle en spade for en spade? Fiske viser hva som skjer under et samleie, og forteller også at det ikke er alle som får barn på den naturlige måten. Både prøverør, inseminasjon og adopsjon får sin forklaring.»

Anne Cathrine Straume, NRK

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Author Anna Fiske

Anna Fiske (b. 1964) is an award-winning author, illustrator, and cartoonist. She has written and illustrated close to 70 picture books, illustrated books and comic books. She's also illustrated a number of books for other authors. Fiske’s playful and distinctive style, both literary and pictorial, has earned her numerous awards and honours for her works. Several of her books have been published with great success in many countries.

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