Haakon and Maud Vll (Innbundet)


Series: Haakon & Maud 7


Tor Bomann-Larsen

Norwegian title: Hjemlandet
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2016
Pages: 536
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Series: Haakon & Maud
Serienummer: 7
ISBN/EAN: 9788202452643
Kategori: Narrative Non-fiction
Overview Hjemlandet

Norwegian history’s greatest biography work has come to the last year of the war and the beginning of the new era. The country’s leadership is scattered throughout four capital cities. Europe is falling apart and reorganising.

The author will once again provoke attention, debate – and major sales.

'This is the art of writing and the art of story telling at their best.'

'An enlightening description of the darkest snippet in the kingdom’s recent history.'

'With praise, criticism and irony – but above all with energy and engagement and a burning desire to present his material.'

'Tor Bomann-Larsen presents his fast-moving account of King Haakon’s war years in elegant language and with a masterly grasp of the topic.'

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...en forrykende fortelling.

More books by Tor Bomann-Larsen:

Reviews Hjemlandet

“Etter å ha lese sjuande bind av Tor Bomann-Larsens store kongebiografi, sit lesaren der utmatta, imponert, overvelda, tankefull og full av fryd. Dette er skrivekunst og forteljekunst av høgste klasse.»

Edvard Hoem, Klassekampen

«Det mørkeste avsnitt i kongerikets nyere historie har fått en lysende beskrivelse.»

Ulf Andenæs, Aftenposten

«Med ros, ris, pisk og ironi – men fremfor alt med driv og engasjement og et brennende hjerte for å formidle sitt stoff.»

Guri Hjeltnes, VG

"Med suverent grep på stoffet og sjelden språklig eleganse gir Bomann-Larsen oss kong Haakons krigsår i en forrykende fortelling."

Alf K. Igland, Fædrelandsvennen

«Slik blir kjernen i dette sjuende bindet selve ‘hjemlandets sjel’, og få skildrer patosutløsende følelser så jordnært og lyrisk spiselig som Bomann-Larsen»

Mode Steinkjer, Dagsavisen

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Author Tor Bomann-Larsen

Tor Bomann-Larsen (1951–) is one of Norway’s leading biographers. He writes with a rare elegance and with great scope and insight. He has published a number of books in different genres. In 2004 he received the prestigious Brage Prize for Non-Fiction for his book The People (Folket). He is currently working on his biography cycle about the Norwegian Royal Family.

Rights to his books have been sold to Germany, Russia and The UK.

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Bøker i serien
Foreign rights

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