Fiddle Fever (Innbundet)


Elin Hansson

Norwegian title: Felefeber
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2023
Pages: 288
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202781583
Age: 14 - 22
Overview Felefeber

Torleif plays the harding fiddle, is a high school student at a boarding school in the city. He's not been to his home village since his mother died two years ago. He's found new friends at school and made his own family. When his grandfather suffers a stroke, Torleif is asked to come home for autumn break to take care of him.

His father and brother are quiet men who are mainly interested in hunting. Torleif has never told them that he is gay. He's not told anyone else in the village either, and he particularly doesn't want the old gang of friends, led by Stig-Rune, to know. But then Torleif meets fellow harding fiddle player Horimyo, and all the unsaid things begin to bubble up to the surface.
Fiddle Fever is a story of music and love. About family, and daring to be oneself.

A credible and touching book about the difficult road to come out of the closet when living in a small village surrounded by masculine men of the very traditional kind. Torleif fights his way through many layers of stereotypes, talk and expectations to appear as he is. He’s a fiddle player, and another quality of the book is that it offers insight into a deeply Norwegian and exotic environment: spelemannslaget (fiddling group).
VG, five/six stars

A gripping novel for young adults about finding oneself, be oneself and about the love of music. [...] Hansson tours descriptions of nature, cultural history and identity in a wonderful way in this novel.

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Reviews Felefeber

En av årets beste bøker! 02.12.2023

Troverdig og rørende om den kronglete veien det kan være å komme ut av skapet når man bor på bygda omgitt av maskuline menn av det veldig tradisjonelle slaget. Torleif kjemper seg gjennom mange lag av stereotypier, snakk og forventninger for å fremstå slik som han er. Han er felespiller, og en ekstra kvalitet ved boken er at den gir innblikk i et både rotnorsk og eksotisk miljø: spelemannslaget. Flere bøker om slåttetradisjoner, takk!

Kristine Isaksen, VG

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Author Elin Hansson

Elin Hansson (b. 1985) made her debut in 2019 with the children's book Pencil Heart, which was nominated for ARK Children’s Book Prize and Bokslukerprisen (Middle grade award). Elin lives at a small farm in the Norwegian countryside, and has previously worked as a photographer. She's played the harding fiddle since she was ten years old.

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