The Blind God
Edvard Matre / Elisabeth Gulbrandsen og Chris Tvedt
Norwegian title: | Fare for gjentakelse |
Author: | Chris Tvedt |
Binding: | Innbundet |
Year: | 2007 |
Pages: | 288 |
Publisher: | Damm |
Språk: | Bokmål |
Originaltittel: | Fare for gjentakelse |
ISBN/EAN: | 9788204132543 |
Kategori: | Mystery and Crime |
Fourteen year-old Maja is found murdered and the talented and untraditional lawyer Mikael Brenne is named as counsel for the accused, Alvin Mo. It’s not exactly a dream job. Everything points to Alvin Mo as the man who abused, raped and killed the fourteen year-old, and Mikael knows that this is a case he can’t win.
But the trial doesn’t go according to Mikael’s expectations. When it is over, he is left with many unanswered questions and a feeling of having been conned. Even though the Maja trial is over in court, it isn’t over for Mikael Brenne. He wants to know the truth and begins his own investigation. A move he will come to regret.
The Maja case casts a long shadow, and many of those in the shadow carry dangerous secrets. And more of them will die. And there is someone out there who doesn’t like Mikael Brenne…
Rights sold to Germany and the Faroe Islands.
'Chris Tvedt has a talent for quick set-changes, for surprising story elements and twists. He writes with a light touch – here are good dialogues and fine nuance, and the plot…»
'Chris Tvedt’s second thriller is not only convincing, it establishes him as one of Norway’s best crime writers.'
'Chris Tvedt has the classic, tough and effective language of the crime fiction novel down pat.'
On a scale from 1 to 6: 5
'From Bergen, a solid and realistic crime novel that absolutely calls for repeat.'
-Dagens Næringsliv
'Bad Habits is the difficult second book that absolutely holds muster.'
-Bergens Tidende
Previously published:
Rimelig tvil (2005) – Reasonable Doubt
Rights sold to Germany and the Faroe Islands.
Edvard Matre / Elisabeth Gulbrandsen og Chris Tvedt
Chris Tvedt behersker et klassisk, tøft og effektivt krimspråk til fingerspissene. (...) Men til tross for skjønnhetspletter, er dette krimhåndverk på høyt, nasjonalt nivå.
Nok en vinner. Chris Tvedts andre thriller ikke bare overbeviser, den etablerer ham som en krimforfatter i norgestoppen
Tvedt viser stigende formkurve med sin nye krim
LARS HELGE NILSEN , BTEt solid stykke krim. Med sin andre roman, «Fare for gjentakelse» plasserer bergenseren Chris Tvedt seg i klassen for solide krimsnekkere.
Turid Larsen, DagsavisenTvedt (...) gir et overbevisende bilde av balansegangen mellom personlig ærgjerrighet og rettferdighetstrang som mange forsvarsadvokater, forhåpentligvis, må leve med. (...) Men alt i alt, enkelte skjønnhetspletter til tross: en stødig og troverdig krim fra Bergen, som absolutt frister til gjentakelse.
Curt Johnson, Dagens NæringslivGermany |
Poland |
Ukraine |