Rising Tides (Innbundet)

The planet’s heart and lungs, the fragile life in the deep, and how to protect it


Even Moland

Norwegian title: En sjanse i havet
Norwegian subtitle: Planetens hjerte og lunger, det sårbare livet i havdypet - og hvordan vi kan bevare det
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2024
Pages: 261
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202846046
Overview En sjanse i havet

Join us in the depths and get an insight into the wonderful life teeming below the surface of the sea, as well as the changes that are slowly happening there.

In Rising Tides, Even Moland conveys the most up-to-date knowledge about our seas and oceans. What role do the world’s oceans play for life on this planet? How are the radical changes taking place in the ocean linked to the way we have exploited its resources? What are the most important threats to a healthy, abundant and well-functioning ocean?

The oceans are the planet’s lungs, as well as a valuable source of food. Our ecological and climate crises mean that we have to readjust the way we use the oceans. Can we manage the transition from resource exploiter to attentive caretaker in time?

Even Moland, who is a diver and researcher, takes readers on a lively and knowledgeable journey below the surface of the ocean.

«Even Moland has a unique storytelling ability. In Rising Tides, he conveys difficult material in a pedagogically sound way. The text is easy to read with good explanations. It is an achievement in itself to convey information about research, climate change, pollution and overfishing in a way so everyone can understand what is happening.»

«Stands out in every way when in comes to literature about the ocean.»
RANDABERG24, five/six stars

«A love letter to the ocean.»

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Reviews En sjanse i havet

«Skiller seg ut på alle måter når det kommer til litteratur om havet.»

Simen Ingemundsen, Randaberg24.no

Et dystert bakteppe - men det er lys i enden av tunellen 20.09.2024

«Even Moland har en unik fortellerevne. I En sjanse i havet formidler han vanskelig stoff på en pedagogisk god måte. Teksten er lettlest med gode forklaringer. En bragd i seg selv å skulle formidle informasjon om forskning, klimaendringer, forurensning og overfiske på en måte så alle kan forstå hva som skjer.»

Sven Gjeruldsen, Tvedestrandsposten

«En kjærlighetserklæring til havet.»

Agnetha Thormodsdatter, Forskerforum

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Author Even Moland

Even Moland (b. 1974) is a marine biologist and a diver. He's a marine scientist at The Institute of Marine Research, and associate professor in marine conservation science at the University of Agder.

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