An Even Greater Loneliness (Innbundet)


Odd Klippenvåg

Norwegian title: En enda større ensomhet
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2016
Pages: 144
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202522773
Kategori: Literature and Fiction
Overview En enda større ensomhet

Finely tuned, intimate and surprising. Odd Klippenvåg doesn’t disappoint when he produces a collection of short stories.
The common theme of the stories is human relationships as they play out in closely defined situations: the sister visiting her brother whom she has not seen for a long time; the man ordering flowers and champagne before leaving the office; or the pensioner sitting down to listen to classical music in the title story.
The art of the short story at a high level.
´Again, he convinces with his solid storytelling, to the point psychology and descriptions of the surroundings that amongst other things reflects about decay and dignity. ...All the texts are written with psychological intuition and empathy, and typically for the literary universe of Klippenvåg is the exploring of the borders where normality is put to test.´
´Finely tuned short story writing.´
´Klippenvåg convinces fully, and once more shows us his ability as a storyteller.´

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Reviews En enda større ensomhet

"Igjen overtyder han med solid forteljarteknikk, treffsikker psykologi og miljøskildringar som mellom anna reflekterer aldringas forfall og verdigheit. (...) Alle tekstane er skrivne med psykologisk intuisjon og innleving, og typisk for Klippenvågs litterære univers er at han utforskar grenseområda der det normale blir sett på prøve."

Oddmund Hagen, Dag og Tid

Oddmund Hagen, Dag og Tid

"Finstemt novellekunst"

Finn Stenstad, Nordnorsk Magasin

"Klippenvåg overbeviser til fulle, og avdekker nok en gang sin fortellerevne (…) Nivået er høyt i diktningen."

John-Arne Storhaug, Lofotposten

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Author Odd Klippenvåg

Odd Klippenvåg (1951–) is an acclaimed writer. Since his debut in 1978, he has published a long line of novels and collections of short stories - most of them highly regarded by the critics.

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