North of the Winter Sun (Innbundet)

What I Heard in the Waves


Veronica Skotnes

Norwegian title: Det jeg leste i bølgene
Norwegian subtitle: Fortellinger fra havfolket
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2024
Pages: 210
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202845773
Kategori: Narrative Non-fiction
Overview Det jeg leste i bølgene

Only by travelling the sea way can you truly understand the coast. For three years, Veronica Skotnes has sailed along the coast of Northern Norway, searching for people stories and nature experiences from the country's most remote and windswept region.

North of the Winter Sun depicts a journey by boat, as well as an inner journey. Veronica Skotnes travels through polar nights and under the midnight sun, on the calm sea and through storms. She's all by herself on the deck of an old sailing boat.

The book emphasises a beautiful and dwindling part of Norway's coastal culture, alongside the author's own reflections, experiences and challenges from sailing in the Arctic.

«A fantastic travel report that strongly touches on the challenges of life and the present.»
Dagbladet BOK, five/six stars

«The travel depiction North of the Winter Sun is a tribute to the sea, and a declaration of love to all who live along our northernmost coast.»

«This is a book completely out of the ordinary. Poetic texts about the sea and the people on the islands in the farthest north. Warm human encounters, written with honesty. Anyone who is interested in the coast and coastal culture should get this book.»
Norsk Fyrforening

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Reviews Det jeg leste i bølgene

Levende og dødt på havet 31.10.2024

Det er likevel ikke den faktiske geografien som gir boka dens usedvanlige styrke.

Den finner vi derimot i de mange refleksjonene Skotnes gjør seg.

En fantastisk reiserapport som sterkt berører utfordringene livet og samtiden har.

Jon Rognlien, Dagbladet

Stemmen fra havet

Dette er en bok helt utenom det vanlige. Poetiske tekster om havet og havfolket på øynene lengst mot nord. Varme menneskemøter, med ærlige tekster. Alle som er opptatt av kysten og kystkultur bør få med seg denne boken.

Henriette Marie Skjæveland, Norsk fyrforening

Reiseskildringen Det jeg leste i bølgene er en hyllest til havet og en kjærlighetserklæring til alle de som lever et liv langs vår nordligste kyst.

Redaktøren, Friluftsliv

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Author Veronica Skotnes

Veronica Skotnes (b. 1998) took to the sea at the age of seventeen, as crew on a schooner in the North Sea. Since then, the wind and ocean currents have taken her north of the Arctic Circle, where she now steers her own ship. For the past three years, she has been sailing and living in a boat along the coast of Finnmark, in the very north of Norway. Skotnes has a bachelor's degree in Arctic Outdoor Activities.

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United Kingdom

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