The Day goes by (Innbundet)


Gro Dahle

Norwegian title: Dagen
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2021
Pages: 48
Illustrator: Nyhus, Kaia Linnea Dahle
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
ISBN/EAN: 9788202710439
Kategori: Children's Books
Age: 3 - 6
Overview Dagen

Pym’s Day trudges and tramples, shoves and pushes, pesters and hassles. The Day hangs heavy on Pym's shoulders, like a sack he has to drag around with him everywhere. You have to make friends with your Day, says Grandma. You get the Day you deserve, says Mum. Smile at the Day and the Day will smile back, says Dad. But that’s easy for them to say, Pym thinks, because nobody knows how exhausting Pym’s Day is; only somebody who knows the Day can know that.

Together, Pym and the Day tumble down into a place where nobody can hear them. And perhaps you need to fall into the very deepest of deep depths to work up the courage to whisper ‘Help me’.

The Day is a dark, intense and poetic tale of childhood depression – a powerful picture book about how dark things can get when The Day demands too much of you.

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Reviews Dagen

Dagen som aldri tar slutt 11.10.2021

"Gro Dahle og Kaia Dahle Nyhus har laget en billedbok om depresjon som hverken sykeliggjør, bagatelliserer eller bruker d-ordet."

"Gro Dahles poetiske tekst fanger mye i få ord, og klarer å skildre svartsinnet og veien ut av det uten hverken å sykeliggjøre eller bagatellisere. Kaia Dahle Nyhus’ illustrasjoner er på sin side spartanske og gråblå. Det er tomt og det er mørkt og det er store flater rundt Po som skaper akkurat den nødvendige stemningen."

"Det er nok vanligere enn vi tror å oppleve som Po at alt er så mørkt at det er vanskelig å puste. Det er en del av livet som kanskje trenger mer forståelse enn den trenger merkelapper, at det skjuler seg mye mørke nedover på skalaen som kanskje starter med å være litt morgengretten. Dagen har i seg å kunne bidra enda litt mer til denne forståelsen."

Walther Wehus, Barnebokkritikk

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Author Gro Dahle

Kaia Linnea Dahle Nyhus (b. 1990) studied visual communication at the National Academy of Arts in Oslo, and illustration at the Luzern College in Switzerland. She is a critically acclaimed writer of adult and children's books, and an award-winning illustrator. She has illustrated several of Gro Dahle's books, and was awarded the Ministry of Cultures Illustration Prize in 2011 for the book Hope, said Goose. The War, from 2013 was nominated to the Norwegian Critics Prize and The Nordic Councils Children’s literature prize. For her author debut, Do you want to hear a secret (2014), she received the NBU Debutant Prize.

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