Burnt Out (Innbundet)

The exhausted person’s six-step guide to thriving in a fast-paced world


Selina Barker

Norwegian title: Utbrent
Norwegian subtitle: Praktiske råd for å gjenfinne gleden, energien og kreativiteten
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2021
Pages: 224
Publisher: Cappelen Damm
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: Burnt Out
Translated by: Kahrs, Kari
ISBN/EAN: 9788202723828
Kategori: Self Help
Overview Utbrent

All over the world we’re hearing about burn out and about people who are in danger of suffering that fate. Everyone from senior executives to nurses, doctors to teachers, journalists to artists – yes, even yoga teachers – is being diagnosed with burn out. Technology is supposed to make our lives easier, cut down on work and give us more leisure time. Instead, many people find that they are more exhausted and under greater pressure than ever before.

Selina Barker gives you a well-stocked toolkit and an instruction manual for the tools you’ll need to feel empowered, calm and focused, every single working day – no matter how hectic things get. A practical six-step guide for people who have hit the wall – or are afraid they might. Whether you’re doing too much, giving too much or thinking too much, this book will help you set boundaries, recharge your batteries and create the life you want.

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