Charlotte Louise Vaillot Knudsen
Norwegian title: | Blåtimesonater |
Author: | Charlotte Louise Vaillot Knudsen |
Binding: | Innbundet |
Year: | 2023 |
Pages: | 88 |
Publisher: | Cappelen Damm |
Språk: | Bokmål |
ISBN/EAN: | 9788202751494 |
Kategori: | Literature and Fiction |
In Charlotte Vaillot Knudsen’s poetry collection Blue Hour Sonatas a woman and a man meet over a plate of venus clams and sweet music arises between them. They play together: Her on the violin, him on the piano. However when he finds a new muse, she resorts to cleverness and magic to save their love. Blue Hour Sonatas is an ecstatic and fabulous story which moves forward in hot soil, amongst flickering will-o'-the-wisps, witch storms and flaming opera scenes.
"Smashing melodrama steeped in a flaringly intricate imagery, magenta-dripping – to quote – word creations and a pleasing playfulness with typography."
Charlotte Louise Vaillot Knudsen
Charlotte Louise Vaillot Knudsen
Charlotte Louise Vaillot Knudsen
«Knæsjt melodrama, dynket i et blussende intrikat billedspråk, magentadryppende – for å sitere – orddannelser og deilig lek med typografien.»
Sindre Andersen, Klassekampen