XR UK (Innbundet)

Series:  470


Heidi Sævareid

Norwegian title: XR UK
Binding: Innbundet
Year: 2021
Pages: 184
Publisher: Flamme Forlag
Språk: Bokmål
Originaltittel: XR UK
Serienummer: 470
ISBN/EAN: 9788282884143
Kategori: Children's Books
Age: 13 - 18
Overview XR UK

It’s been a year since Line moved to Bristol, UK, together with her mum who’s working as an editor at BBC Nature, and is active member of Extinction Rebellion (XR). The activist group’s methods for global fight for climate change are non-violent, disruptive civil disobedience; the members lie down, chain up, and refuse to move, to demonstrate that they are willing to die for the climate crisis. When XR Bristol is planning to shut down the city centre and to block a bank, Line worries that her mum will get arrested for breaking the law. Line hang out with Polly and Lexi, a friendship that’s not easy to handle when Polly gets jealous, and when Lexi prefers the one over the other.

A story about social justice, climate activism and immigration rights, but first and foremost, it’s a story about a fractious friendship between three young girls.

Heidi Sævareid is three-time nominated for the Norwegian Book Award, the Brage Prize, for her YA novels. We shall not ignore that she will be nominated for this one too. Because her writing is good (…) the book is definitely worth reading.

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Reviews XR UK

"Tre ganger er Heidi Sævareid fra Lillesand nominert til Brageprisen for ungdomsbøkene sine. Vi skal ikke se bort fra at hun blir det for denne også. For hun skriver godt (…) lesverdig, det er boka så definitivt."

Valerie Kubens, Fædrelandsvennen

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Author Heidi Sævareid

Heidi Sævareid (b. 1984) is a highly acclaimed and award-winning author, translator and literary critic. She was awarded The Ministry of Culture’s First Book Prize 2013 and three times nominated for Brage Literary Prize for Children and YA. Heidi Sævareid has a degree in Nordic Literature from University of Oslo. She lives in Bristol, England.

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